Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Adding an FTP and or WEB Server

It is really quite simple, I just downloaded these FREE apps zFTPSever and Abyss Web Server copied them to the server and then installed them from the server console as I have explained in previous posts.

The Free FTP server has an administration part you can copy (C:\Program Files (x86)\zFTPServer\zFTPSererAdmin.exe, how cool just one file) to your PC and run to remotely administer the FTP site or you can run it at the console however it takes like 3 minutes to load the program from the console. The FTP part is free however for a small fee you can get much more that will make it more like a true NAS server.  NOTE: if you have two NIC's in the server, when you configure the port number for FTP (normally 21) just place the IP address of the NIC you wish to use like so separate nultiple IP's or ports with a ;. IE;

The Free Webserver installs and then tries to load IE to manage the webserver, since there is no IE on core server 2012, you will need to point your workstation's browse to the Http://servername or IP:9999. If you get a message that you are not authorized access the remote administration page, you will need to edit abyss.conf file and towards the bottom you will see

Edit the IP address scheme to fit your networks IP address scheme and restart the web server.
I did this with taskmgr, to stop the running process and then executed the abyssws.exe to restart it. You should be able to access the web administration part and set a password on the web adminstration access. Your web server is http://servername or IP running on port 80 by defaul,t but you can change it.Your web root is C:\Abyss Web Server\htdocs if you just chose the defaults during install. You can change your servers IP if you have multiple NIC's. Within the webserver manager browse to Abyss Web Server Console :: Hosts - Edit - Default Host On Port 80 :: General :: Edit - Advanced Parameters, as you saw getting to this point you can also change the default web port or add others.

For further instructions on how to use or configure these software packages see their websites.

Also to make them start up when the server starts each of them has that option in the administrative function or during install, but it that fails you can always add then with regedit.exe to
Add new string value, name what you like and then point to the exe that start the ftpserver and repeat for the webserver.

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